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Eyl: Warbixinta Hoyga Burcad Badeedka
Biyokulule Online
March 20, 2009

Suspected Somali pirates stand in the dock inside a courtroom in the Kenyan coastal town of Mombasa March 11, 2009. In an impoverished country where nearly every public institution has crumbled, pirates have transformed local economies in pirate dens like Haradhere and Eyl in northern Somalia, pumping money into areas where there had been little more than fishmongers and women selling food by the seashore for the past 20 years.

Warbixin xasaasi ah oo ay Hay`adda Qaramada Midoobay (UN-ta) ay soo saartay dorraad [Hoos Akhri] ayaa hoosta ka xariiqday in dalka Soomaaliya ay hoy u tahay laba kooxood oo Burcad badeed ah � Labadan kooxood oo ah kuwa ballaaran oo awoodoodu ku baahsan tahay dhul-badeed baaxad leh.

Haddaan wax yar falanqeyno labadan kooxood, kooxi waxa ay xaruunteedu tahay degmada Xarardheere ee ka tirsan gobalka Mudug.  Kooxdani waxay magan u tahay beesha Hawiye oo degaan ahaan deggan Xarardheere, burcad badeedkana badankoodii ay dhalasho ahaan ka soo jeedaan beesha Habar Gidir.

Kooxda labaad ee ugu weyn burcad badeedka dalka Soomaaliye waxa ay deggan yihiin degmada Eyl.  Burcad badeedkan oo iyana dhalasho ahaan badankoodu ka soo jeedaan jiffada Madaxweynaha Puntland (Ciise Maxamuud, Majeerteen), waxa ay magan iyo taakuleyn ba ka helaan baa la leeyahay dad ka tirsan Maamulka Sare ee Puntland.  Warar lagu kalsoonaan karo waxay leeyihiin Madaxweyne Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Faroole laftiisa kama madhna taageerada ama magangelyo siinta Burcadda Eyl ay ka hesho Maamulka Puntland.

Eyl � Hoyga Burcad badeedka Puntland

Pirates are seen on a speed boat near the enclave of Eyl, Somalia in this framegrab made from a November 24, 2008 TV footage. The enclave of Eyl is the homeground of pirates who are wreaking havoc on the waters off the coast of Somalia. To date experts say that more than a dozen ships are still being held by pirates, with dozens others having paid massive ransom for their freedom.

Sida ay qortay warbixintii Qaramada Midoobay ay soo saartay shalay (ee 16-ka page ahayd), Eyl waa saldhigga ugu weyn ee Burcad badeedka Puntland.   Burcad badeedkan waxay si xor ah ugu tamashleeyaan Eyl oo u jirta Xaruuntii Maamulka Puntland ee Garoowe qiyaastii 219 km oo keliya.

Haddaba waa maxay sababta uusan weli Madaxweyne Faroole u booqan ama ciidankiisa ugu dirin Eyl, oo aan sidaasi uga fogeyn fadhiigiisa Garoowe?

Teeda kale, waxaa la yaab noqotay, markii Faroole uu Booqashada ku tagay Boosaso in uu si kedis ah, isaga oo wata ciidan u badan jiffadiisa, ay ugu boqooleen meel wax yar u jirta Boosaso ee la yiraahdo Mareero, oo ah meel iyadana aan magac fiican ku lahayn dadka deegaankaasi, maadaama ay tahay xaruun laga tahriibiyo dadka ku sii jeeda Gacanka Carbeed (Arabian Peninsula), laakiin aan weli lagu sheegin Mareero meel lagu haysto maraakiib qafaalan, sida Eyl.

Iyada oo ay sidaasi tahay ayaa waxa Madaxweyne Faroole iyo wasiir ku xigeenka Arrimaha Gudaha ee Puntland, Yusuf Axmed Kheyre, waxay ku suubiyeen arrinta Mareero, waxa loo yaqaan �istus-warbaahineed�.   Faroole oo wata ciidankiisa iyo warbaahinta jiffadiisa ayaa ku suubiyey Mareero masrax qiiq isku qarin ah, isagoo doonayey in uu adduunweynaha tusiyo in uu bilaabay ololahiisa "la dagaalanka" burcad badeedka, uguna dan lahaa runtii booqashada Mareero mid uu kaamerada adduunka kaga weecinayey faxshadda ka taagaan Eyl iyo Garooweba - halkaasi oo noqotay saldhigyada runta ah ee burcad badeedka .

Faroole oo aan dooneyn inuu Eyl shaashadda warbaahinta saaro, maadaama lagu haystay markaasi maraakiib ka badan shan, ayaa Mareero u noqotay meel uu ugu goodiyo reero gaar ah, isaga oo doonayey in reeraha dega Mareero iyo Boosaaso (Axmed Harti-Dishiishe) uu dhabarka kaga dhejiyo magaca burcad badeednimada.

Faroole Weli ma booqan Eyl oo ah Saldhigga ugu weyn ee burcad badeedka Puntland, wax ka yarna 220 km  u jirta Garoowe.  Eyl waxaa loo yaqaan caasimadda burcadda ee Puntland. Sababta uusan u booqan Eyl ma taqaan?

Olalaha Faroole iyo qoysiikiisa ay durbaba ku bilaabeen degaanka Boosaaso waa mid u baahan falanqeyn.  Waxaana Biyokulule Online idiin ballan qaadeysaa in taariikhda iyo waxqabadka Faroole aanu shaashadda saari doonno, ilaa aanu tusno �horgalayaasha� warbaahinta Puntland in waqtiga lagu jiraa uu yahay �Information Age�, dadka reer Puntland na aanan loogu goodin doonin dhowr website la furtaa, laguna soo qoro dacaayad marin habaabin ah oo lid ku ah sharafta iyo jiritaanka nabad ku wada noolaanshaha reero gaar ah.  Iftiinka yare ee ka soo baxaya muraayadaha (lenses) iyo Kaamerada horgallada warbaahinta Md Faroole ma qarin karaan xaqiiqda ka jirta dalka.  Bilaash looma oranMeel dayax joogo xiddigo wax kama ifiyaane�, Eyl waxaa dul taagan dayax gacmeedyada (satellites) adduunka, waana u wada jeedaan waxa ka socda. 

Mashruucii "booqashada Mareero" ee Md Faroole iyo warbaahintiisa ee hadafkiisu ahaa "Bar-Lumis" lala doonayey warbaahinta adduunka wuxuu ilaa iyo hadda ku dhammaaday fashil, oo waa tan hadda indhaha Qaramada Midoobay diiradda saartay Eyl, ugana digtay adduunweynaha waxa ka socda Eyl, isla markaana ku guubaabisay Caalamka in ay tallaabo deg deg ah ka qaadaan burcad badeedka Nugaal.  

Waxaa wax lala yaabay noqotay, in Garoowe Online ay qoraal aan loo meel dayin soo qortay, markii uu Md Faroole uu booqanayey Mareero. Ereyada Garoowe Online waxaa ka mid ahaa: �Wasiir ku-xigeenka arrimaha gudaha Yusuf Axmad Khayre oo taagan gobaha hoyga u ah Burcad badeedka� [Halkan Akhri].   Waa run in Mareero ay ku caan baxday tahriibta, laakiin waxaa iyana xaqiiq jirta ah in halkaasi aysan jirin maraakiib madax furasho loogu haysto � oo runtii Eyl ay ku dheereyso dhinacaasi. Haddaba maxaa warbaahinta horgalayaasha Maamulka Puntland aysan u booqan ama wax uga qorin hoyga runta ah ee burcad badeedka Puntland ee Eyl?

Maxaysan warbaahintan dhinaca u janjeera aysan wax uga qorin burcad badeedka caanka ka noqday afarta geesood ee adduunka ee sheegtay in magiciisu uu yahay  Yaasiin Dheere, oo hadda ay isku meel ku nool yihiin Md Faroole, Garoowe?

Bishii January ee la soo dhaafay, Yaasiin Dheere waxaa uu wareysi siiyey wakaaladda wararka lalisa ee loo yaqaan Reuters.  Yaasiin Dheere, oo ku dhashay Eyl, wuxuu u sheegay warbaahinta caalamka in uu Garoowe uu xafiiskiisu yahay, halkaasina uu ka maareeyo ama abaabuulo howlaha burcadnimada ee uu ku aflaxay. Isaga oo isla quman, Yaasiin wuxuu ku faanay in mar lagu xiray xabsiga Garoowe, ay reerkiisa soo weerareen xabsigii Garoowe, kuna furteen isagii, iyadoo halkaasi lagu dilay laba Police ee xabsigaasi ilaalinayey.

Ninkaa burcadka iyo dambiilaha ah ee sidaa wax u qirtay, haddana ku nool Garoowe, wax talaabo ah oo Maamulka Faroole uu ka qaaday ilaa hadda ma jiraan.  Horgalayaasha warbaahinta Puntlandna wax ay ka qoreen ma jiraan. Sow arrintu maaha �Gurbaan garabkaaga hakuugu jiro ama gacalkaaga ha kuu hayo� !!

Daah-saaridda ceebta burcad badeedka Eyl ee ay isku dayayaan Maamulka Faroole iyo warbaahintiisa qoyseed waxba waa tari weysay oo indhaha adduunka weli waxay ku jeedaan Xeebta Eyl iyo burcad badeedka ku qayila Garoowe ee ka agaasima qafaalashada maraakiibta ku gooshta xeebaha Soomaaliya.

Warbixinta dheer oo ay soo saartay Jamciyadda Qaramada Midoobay Arbacadii dorraad ahayd waxay si cad u faah faahisay in Eyl ay tahay xaruunta ugu weyn ee laga abaabula qafaalashada maraakiibta.  Warbixinta waxa kaloo oo ay xustay in Maamulka Puntland uusan ka marnayn ku lug lahaanshaha meheraddan burcad badeedka.  Warbixitan ay UN-ta hadda soo saartay waxay ka dhigtay daahsaarkii Eyl operations iyo iftiimintii Mareero ee Warbaahinta Faroole ku mashquulsanaayeen in muddo ahba mid ka dhigan hal bacaad lagu lisay.

Horaa loo yiri �Faruurey Ma Fooriye�, mar haddii warbaahinta horgalayaasha ay isku dayeen inay meela aan waxba jirin inay gacan togaaleeyaan oo ay u fooriyaan (qaylo dhaanshaan) saxaafadda adduunka, oo aanse la maqlin (illeen waa faruuran yihiine) balse Indhaha caalamku uu si cad u arko burcad Badeedka Nugaal ka dillaacay � sida tii ku dhacday Cabdullahi Yusuf, markii uu Shimbiraale ku sheegay in ay argagixiso joogto, oo noqotay meel aan shimibir duushaa xitaa joogin.

Mar haddii Garoowe ay fadhiyaan kuwa sheegta inay yihiin �successful pirates� sida Yaasiin Dheere, Eylna ay joogaan Chefs ajaaniib ah oo cuntada u kariso baxrida maraakiibta la soo qafaashay saaran, miyey caqli gal tahay horgalayaasha sida Garoowe Online, allnugaal, ama Horseedmedia inay Mareero ka hadlaan?  Miyaanu Md Faroole waajib ku ahayn inuu si deg deg ah u booqdo Eyl, ciidan joogta ahna dhigo meeshaasi, haddii ay ka dhab tahay la dagaalanka burcad badeedka?

Soomaalida horay ugu maahmaahday �Fari intay ku geliso shantaada farood kaamo saarto�, aan aragno Md Faroole iyo kooxdiisa halka ay la gaarto jiffeysiga (qabyaaladeenta jiffo hoosaadka ku saleysan) iyo daandaansiga ay durba ka bilaabeen Puntland.

Digniin: Waxaan kula talineynaa shacabka xalaasha ah ee reer Puntland in ay wax lagu qoslo ka soo qaadaan �guusha� uu Md Faroole sheegan doono mar aan sidaa u fogeyn.  Faroole iyo Maamulkiisaba waxay mar dhow la soo shir tegi doonaan in ay ku guuleeysteen �la dagaalankii� burcad badeedka; iyaga oo xusi doona in hoos u dhac weyni ay ku dhacday qafaalashada maraakiibta marta xeebaheenna.

Waxaan ku wargelineynaa shacabka reer Puntland in bilooyinkii u dambeeyaba ay ciidamo huwan ah oo ka kooban reer Europe, Asia, iyo Mareykanba ay ciidamo ilaalo gaar ah (surveillance) u soo direen badaheenna, taasoo sabab u noqotay maalmahan dambe in afduubkii maraakiibta ay hoos u dhacdo.

Akhristow ma suurto geshaa in Maamulka Faroole oo aan ciidan geyn ama xitaa aan soo booqon xaruumaha waaweyn ee burcad badeedka ee ku yaal Puntland, sida Eyl iyo Garacd, in saameyn ama raad-reeb ku yeelan karto hoos u dhaca ku yimid qafaalashada maraakiibta?

Waxaa hubaal ah in cadaadiska dibadda (sida ciidamada badda ee adduunweynaha) ay sabab u tahay �fara-dufanlayaasha� cusub (sida Yaasiin Dheere) ee hadda ka soo burqaday Garoowe iyo nawaaxigeeda inay u xuub-siibtaan isbaarooley jidka dheer wax dhigta ama kuwa u tahriiba dibadda.

Waxaan uga digeynaa shacabka reer Puntland inay ka digtoonaadaan ama u diyaar garoobaan in qolyihii isbaarada badda u tiilay ay hadda bilaabeen in ay isbaaro dhigtaan jidka dheer ee isku xira Bosaso iyo Galkacyo.   Waxaa maalmahanba aan ogeyn in isbaaro ay taallay nawaaxiga Qardho iyo Garoowe.

Ogeysiis: Waxaan soo diyaarinay taariikh noladeedkii Madaxweyne Faroole, laga soo bilaabo waayihii uu shaqaale dowladeed ahaa ilaa waayadii Seminar-kii Sidam ee USA loogu soo diray ilaa labadii sano uu joogay jaamacadda La Trobe University (oo uu taariikhda baranayey - waa sida isaga uu sheegtay eh).  Waxaan isku dayi doonaa oo kale inaan idiin soo gudbinno wareyso aan la yeelanayno maamulka jaamacadaasi iyo waxyaabo kale oo farabadan.

Dhinaca kale, si aad uga bogato xogta ku saabsan baahsanaanta ay burcad badeedka ku leedahay gobolka Nugaal iyo sida qaawan oo aan gabbashada lahayn ay burcad badeedkaasi ugu nool yihiin caasimadda Puntland ee Garoowe bal ka bogo maqaaladan/news kan hoose.

"I`m a successful Somali pirate" - Yassin`s story
January 19, 2009

A video grab from an undated television footage shows an unidentified pirate speaking directly to camera in the town of Eyl in the north of Somalia. The United Nations should send peacekeepers to Somalia urgently to stop the strife that is fuelling piracy and is being aggravated by feuding politicians, the African Union`s top diplomat said on November 20, 2008. Gunmen from the chaotic Horn of Africa country grabbed world headlines with spectacular November 15 capture of a huge Saudi Arabian supertanker loaded with $100 million worth of oil, the biggest ship hijacking in history.

GAROWE, Somalia, Jan 19 (Reuters) - Yassin Dheere is a 39-year-old Somali who took to piracy five years ago and has made a fortune from the mushrooming business.

A hulk of a man, Dheere towered over his bodyguards as he spoke to Reuters in Garowe, capital of the northern Puntland province.

Dressed in expensive-looking traditional robes, he chewed khat leaves and stroked an AK-47 rifle as he told his story, starting with his birth in a notorious pirates` haven on the coast.

"I was born in Eyl town and I used to be a fisherman.

"I was forced to hijack foreign ships after the central government collapsed. No one was monitoring the sea, and we couldn`t fish properly, because the ships which trawl the Somali coasts illegally would destroy our small boats and equipment. That is what forced us to become pirates.

"The first time I was involved in hijacking a ship was 2003. It must have been Arabian, there were 18 Yemeni crew. It was a big fishing ship that destroyed our boats several times.

"We surrounded it with our boats and seized it at gunpoint at night. We did not know these modern methods of using hooks and ladders, so we got near with our boats and climbed on.

"We held it for two weeks, then some Somali and Arab mediators stepped in to negotiate. We were convinced to take $50,000 as compensation. Gosh! This was a huge amount for us. That inspired us and gave us an appetite for hunting ships.

"At that time we had no idea what we were doing, we were very worried about what would happen. Two of my friends backed out because they were afraid.

"In fact, my life has changed dramatically because I`ve received more money than I ever thought I would see. In one incident, I got $250,000, so my life has changed completely.

"It is incalculable how much money I have made. I mean, I won`t tell you how much. With the money, I buy cars, weapons, and boats. I also like having a good time and relaxing.


"I have also experienced many difficulties from my work.

"My life has been endangered. And some of my colleagues have died, some at sea when their boats capsized.

"The worst experience I had was when a U.S. warship attacked us while we were hunting a ship. It fired on us and captured some of us unexpectedly. We escaped with our speedboats while bullets buzzed over us.

"In 2006, we were chasing a ship to hijack, we pulled up alongside it, and one of our friends jumped onto the ship. The ship managed to escape, and we haven`t heard of our friend since. We don`t know whether he is alive or dead.

"I was also once jailed in Garowe. But my family attacked the jail and they killed two of the policemen, and then in the exchange of fire I escaped together with other prisoners.

"I have employees doing the business for me now. I am a financier. I get my money and I don`t have to leave Eyl. I have not gone to sea to hijack in recent months.

"My group goes to the sea and I manage their finances. I buy speedboats and weapons, whatever they need.

"Usually, no disagreements come between us. Once, though, we disagreed. When we were holding two French nationals in Habo, some demanded to take them to Eyl while others disagreed.

"When we are going out to sea, we expect benefits and losses, although we are always careful of warships that may attack us.

"It`s difficult to stay being a pirate but we have changed our previous strategies. We have transformed our operations in the Indian Ocean with new types of attacks, using modern equipments including GPS to show us where warships are passing.

"At the moment we have a new, active young generation which wants to take part in piracy. They mostly like money.

"If the U.N. gives approval to fight pirates on land, that will only lead to death of innocent Somalis. They cannot differentiate us from ordinary Somalis, we dress alike. Piracy will not stop unless we get a government."

(Reporting by Abdiqani Hassan in Garowe; Editing by Wangui Kanina and Andrew Cawthorne)

� 2009 Reuters Limited.

UN cites reports of govt links to Somalia pirates
By Louis Charbonneau
March 18, 2009

Suspected Somali pirates inside a courtroom in the Kenyan coastal town of Mombasa March 11, 2009.

* U.N. identifies two main Somali piracy networks

* Horn of Africa states urged to help fight pirates

UNITED NATIONS, March 18 (Reuters) - The United Nations is concerned about the possibility of collaboration between pirates and government officials in Somalia`s Puntland region, according to a new U.N. report released on Wednesday.

The report, prepared by the office of U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for the Security Council, said that it had identified two main piracy networks in Somalia -- one in the semi-autonomous northern Puntland region and the other based in the Eyl district.

"There are increasing reports of complicity by members of the Somali region of Puntland administration in piracy activities," Ban`s report said. But he said it was encouraging that the current and former leadership of Puntland appeared to be taking "a more robust approach" in fighting piracy.

Pirates have been seizing vessels in the Gulf of Aden, which connects Europe to Asia and the Middle East via the Suez Canal, hijacking dozens of ships last year and taking tens of millions of dollars in ransom payments.

An official from the East African Seafarers Assistance Program said on Wednesday that Puntland villagers detained an Iranian vessel though the circumstances remain unclear.

Foreign navies, including those of Russia, China and European Union countries, have sent ships to the Horn of Africa to help tackle the threat and the effort has reduced the number of hijackings off the coast of the virtually lawless country.

In his report, Ban urged U.N. member states in the region that have "small but effective navies" to join in the fight against piracy to ensure the regular delivery of humanitarian aid to some 2.4 million Somalis who urgently need it.

Alarmed by the audacious capture of a supertanker last year, foreign navies patrolling the busy shipping lanes off the coast of Somalia have been taking a more aggressive approach to piracy for several months.

British forces handed over a group of pirates to Kenya in December and the French navy took gunmen it had captured to Puntland in January.

Somalia has said that piracy is merely a symptom of a wider problem -- illegal fishing and dumping.

Foreign vessels moved into Somali waters en masse after the collapse of the Somali government in 1991 opened the floodgates to unlimited fishing. (Editing by Cynthia Osterman)

� 2009 Reuters Limited

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


In a report [read from Here] to the Security Council on piracy off the coast of Somalia, the Secretary-General says that there is a critical need to tackle the problem with a multifaceted approach, to ensure that the political process, the African Union`s peacekeeping efforts, the strengthening of law enforcement institutions and capacity-building initiatives work in tandem.

He encourages Member States to place an increased emphasis on the resolution of the lawlessness in Somalia through the development of the Djibouti peace process and support of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM).

He adds that it is necessary for the international community to implement effectively the existing international legal framework and consider its further strengthening to facilitate the apprehension and prosecution of those suspected of having committed piracy off the coast of Somalia.

Some of the eight suspected Somali pirates when they appeared before the Mombasa Chief Magistrate Catherine Mwangi , Wednesday, Nov.19 ,.2008 to be charged for piracy. The pirates were not immediately charged as their charged had not been prepared. The suspects were returned to the cells awaiting to be charged ..In an impoverished country where nearly every public institution has crumbled, pirates have transformed local economies in pirate dens like Haradhere and Eyl in northern Somalia, pumping money into areas where there had been little more than fishmongers and women selling food by the seashore for the past 20 years.

World Opinion Roundup on Eyl Piracy
Biyokulule Online Collections
March 21, 2009

Pirates on speedboat approach one of their mother boats docked near Eyl, Somalia in this framegrab made from a November 24, 2008 TV footage. The enclave of Eyl is the homeground of pirates who are wreaking havoc on the waters off the coast of Somalia. To date experts say that more than a dozen ships are still being held by pirates, with dozens others having paid massive ransom for their freedom.

Excerpts from the article "Piracy is Manna for the Forgotten Ports of Somalia", Source: Kinshasa ACP in French, November 27, 2008.

Russia has proposed to attack the logistic bases of the pirates on the ground, notably Eyl but NATO would prefer that the initiative of such an operation should come from African countries. "I know that piracy is a bad thing without it life here would be impossible," admits Kadija Douale, a mother of four children who lives at Eyl. In this small port town in the semi-autonomous Puntland Province, a kilo of Khat, the leaves of a shrub that is famous for its stimulant and euphoriant properties, is sold for $65 against $20 elsewhere in the country, due to the increasing demand from the pirates. This is a debatable but sure sign of economic boom.

Excerpts from the article �We`re not pirates. These are our waters, not theirs�, by Daniel Howden, The Independent, November 14, 2008

The epicentre of this piracy is the port town of Eyl, in the Nugal region. It is off limits to the outside world, a safe haven for the pirates and a base for their attacks. It now functions, according to residents, almost completely on the proceeds from piracy.

In Eyl, the streets are lined with new buildings and awash with Landcruisers, laptops, satellite phones and global positioning systems.

Almost everyone in Eyl has a relative or husband among the pirates. Fatima Yusuf, who has lived her whole life in Eyl, describes the intense involvement of the whole community in the fortunes of the young men who set out in crews of seven or eight armed with AK-47s and rocket launchers to take on the tankers on the high seas.

The pirates have become glamorous figures. Like most of the girls in Eyl, Sadiya Samatar Haji wants to marry a pirate. "I`m not taking no for an answer," she says. "I`ll tie the knot with a pirate man because I`ll get to live in a good house with good money."

Excerpts from the article �Was deadly Iranian ship bound for Israel?� by Hal Lindsey, WorldNetdaily Exclusive Commentary, November 07, 2008.

The �MV Iran Deyanat� ship, which was hijacked from Gulf of Aden,  was brought to Eyl

The MV Iran Deyanat was brought to Eyl, a sleepy fishing village in northeastern Somalia, and was secured by a larger gang of pirates - 50 onboard and 50 onshore. The Somali pirates attempted to inspect the ship`s seven cargo containers but the containers were locked. The crew claimed that they did not have the "access codes" and could not open them. Pirates have stated they were unable to open the hold without causing extensive damage to the ship, and threatened to blow it up The Iranian ship`s captain and the engineer were contacted by cell phone and demanded to disclose the actual nature of the mysterious �powdered cargo� but the captain and his officers were very evasive. Initially they said that the cargo contained "crude oil" but then claimed it contained "minerals." Following this initial rebuff, the pirates broke open one of the containers and discovered it to be filled with packets of what they said was �a powdery fine sandy soil�

Within a period of three days, those pirates who had boarded the ship and opened the cargo container with its gritty sand-like contents, all developed strange health complications, to include serious skin burns and loss of hair. And within two weeks, sixteen of the pirates subsequently died, either on the ship or on shore

News about the illness and the toxic cargo quickly reached Garowe, seat of the government for the autonomous region of Puntland. Angered over the wave of piracy and suspicious about the Iranian ship, authorities dispatched a delegation led by Minister of Minerals and Oil Hassan Allore Osman to investigate the situation on September 4 and they witnessed some of the deaths due to exposure to `something on that ship.`

Excerpts from the article �Somali pirates claim links with breakaway Puntland administration� Source: NTIS, US Dept. of Commerce, Monday, September 22, 2008

One of the pirates in Eyl District of [Nugaal] Region, confirmed to a Mogadishu-based radio that they actually have a relationship with Puntland semi autonomous region.

Somali pirate groups have said that they have a good relationship with the administration of Puntland semi autonomous region, adding that the money (paid as ransom to free the hijacked foreign vessels) they get is used to implement development projects in parts of the region.



Sawirro Somaliya


Muqdisho of Yesteryears and Today�s Muuq-disho



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