Let us be brave enough. Bravery is �teach to learn� or �learn to teach�. Only fighting is not bravery. In the last twenty years, A new private college on Computer Science and Information Technology was officially opened in Bosaso, Friday, October 07, 2011. In a bid to promote spreading of knowledge and make a contribution to the community, the new college, Benderkasim College of Science and Technology, will make efforts to offer specialties ranging from computer science and information technology, English language, project management, business management, to peace and development studies. The establishment of this college is a big step forward for �Today`s youth are tomorrow`s leaders, doctors, politicians, engineers, and religious scholars� No nation can prosper and stand on its own feet without education, without learning and knowledge. Therefore, let us be brave enough. Bravery is �teach to learn� or �learn to teach�. Only fighting is not bravery. In the last twenty years, It is about time to realize that bravery means learning, acquiring education, and earning decent living. It is not bravery to be a beggar in the world and live in the most failed State of the world. It is not bravery to extend our hands, for too long, to the world for aid and become the biggest market of suffering. Hence, to keep our dignity, our respect, our honour, and our courage, we must encourage and support the endeavours and the hard work of the founders of this new college. Especially, Puntlanders should work hard today to guarantee a good future for their youth. It will be a great achievement if Bosaso residents work together for a better future. In its opening day, the college`s transition board agreed to recommend the names of the following staff members: 1-Eng.Salaal Camale Xuseen � founder and Chairman of the Board of Director Benderkasim College of Science and Technology offers the following programs: 1-Diploma in Project management Biyokulule Online